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Office Head Message

As we all know, in the times when our country Ethiopia considered profession as wealth and sustenance, our ancestors built wonderful architectural works such as Axum and Lalibela, which have become a treasure and heritage for the people of the world. They have left us a tradition that established order.

When it comes to the development and prosperity of the country, I believe that it will be the concern of all Ethiopians who love the country and wonder how we have slipped from the heights of civilization we are today.

If we, today's generations, are in this situation and can take our profession as a livelihood and work hard, we will not fail to ensure the prosperity of our country by doing jobs that will provide sustenance for the future generations like our ancestors.

Realizing that all the people of our country as well as the residents of our city can overcome the downward journey we have come to for centuries and climb to the heights of prosperity when we can create a large number of patriotic young people who are equipped with professional skills and a strong work culture.

Today, there are six polytechnic colleges, eight colleges and one productivity improvement and excellence center with workshops organized by qualified trainers under the Addis Ababa Technical and Vocational Education and Training Office. These colleges are able to receive and train 10,000 students in 24 departments, 108 types of professions from level 1 to level 5. All that is expected from the youth is to train and work hard by choosing vocational training according to their inclination.

Today, I am conveying my message that we should go to work believing wholeheartedly that we can return our country to its former heyday in a short period of time and ensure our prosperity by wearing a profession and a strong work culture.

Honorable Mrs. Habiba Siraj

Head of Addis Ababa Technical and Vocational Education and Training Office.

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