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Need Help with Placements ? 

Our placement support team is ready to assist you and address any concerns you may have.

Please take note of the following contact information:

Mobile Number: +2519 11 48 28 69
                    Email: support@aatvetb.edu.et

በምደባ ላይ እገዛ ይፈልጋሉ? 

የምደባ ድጋፍ ቡድን በምደባ ላይ ቅሬታ ካለዎት እርስዎን ለመርዳት እና የሚያጋጥምዎትን ማንኛውንም ችግር ለመፍታት ዝግጁ ነው።

እባክዎ የሚከተለውን አድራሻ ይጠቀሙ፡-

              የሞባይል ቁጥር፡ +2519 11 48 28 69

                             ኢሜል፡ support@aatvetb.edu.et

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